become a quinowa maker

Apply to become a member of the
Quinowa Makers Community

    Tell us about yourself

    Your name

    Your email address

    Your phone number

    Company name

    Is your business registered?

    Your company number or UTR if sole trader

    Your company's trading address

    How did you hear about us?

    Please confirm you are able to provide a copy of your passport or driving licence (required as part of our business checks)

    Your website URL :

    If you don’t have a website, feel free to include a URL which will help us to learn more about your business, for example a blog, or an about you page

    Your social media links

    Instagram handle

    Other social media links

    What's your story?

    Tell us about your business

    How soon will you be ready to start selling with us

    Please select below all of the places your products are currently available for sale

    Own websiteOnline storeAmazonNot on the high streetSupermarketsHigh street storeSmall boutiquesOther

    Please Specify

    Do you have any plans in the pipeline to develop your business or product range further?

    If yes, briefly outline your development plans

    Can you deliver your products anywhere in the UK mainland?

    What are your current delivery costs?

    Please upload pictures of your packaging (The maximum upload size is 5MB)

    Tell us about your products

    Please select one or more of the following categories that apply to your product range

    Please confirm you have the correct certification/documentation in place in order to sell your products. This could include but is not limited to product safety testing certificates, IP rights, or proof of sourcing.

    Which category of health benefits do your products best fall under?

    What is the shelf life of your products?

    How many products do you want to showcase with us?

    Showcase the best 3 products

    Product 1+

    Product name

    List all ingredients

    List health benefits

    Website link to product


    Product 2+

    Product name

    List all ingredients

    List health benefits

    Website link to product


    Product 3+

    Product name

    List all ingredients

    List health benefits

    Website link to product


    How are your products currently made?

    How frequently do you produce batches?